Welcome to the Lake |
Mailing Address:
Peninsula Lake Association OR Peninsula Lake Community Association
P.O. Box 5342
Huntsville, ON
P1H 2K7
Email Information:
If you have a question for the Peninsula Lake Community Association (PLCA) about events, current issues, lake navigational aids, or questions/concerns in our surrounding towns (Huntsville/Lake of Bays), please email PLCA.
PLCA Board Email: penlakecommunity@gmail.com
If you have a question or require assistance with our new online membership platform called "Wild Apricot", please use this form.
Email Information:
If you have a question for the Peninsula Lake Association (PLA) concerning Peninsula Lake natural resources, water quality, and environment of the Peninsula Lake watershed, please email PLA.PLA Board Email: penlakeassociation@gmail.com
This is the present PLCA board that has been elected by the membership. To send an email to any member(s) of the board, use the email address at the bottom of each board’s list of directors and it will be forwarded to the appropriate person.
Download the PLCA by-laws here.
Lori Tersigni - President
Carol Nerling - Vice President
Karen Carusi - Treasurer
Andrea Hutchinson - Secretary
Susan Devins - Past President
Darlene Clapham - Director
Ken Harper - Director
Vicky Koudstaal - Director
Bill Lovering - Director
Catherine Moffat - Director
Kathleen Tiede - Director
Cathy Oakden - PLA President
This is the present PLA board that has been elected by the membership. To send an email to any member(s) of the board, use the email address at the bottom of the page and it will be forwarded to the board members.
Download the PLA by-laws here.
Cathy Oakden - President
Gord Moffat - Vice President / Past President
Maxwell Moffat - Treasurer
Doug McKnight - Secretary
William Christodoulou - Director at Large
Ken Harper - LOB/Huntsville Liaison
Chris Adams - Environmental Director
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