Peninsula Lake

Welcome to the Lake

Lake Peninsula & the Muskoka Environment

Muskoka has an area of 2500 square miles, which is the size of a small European country. The District of Muskoka is a large area (6,475 square kilometres) that includes the townships of Georgian Bay, Lake of Bays, and Muskoka Lakes as well as a number of municipalities, such as Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, and Huntsville. There are over 1,600 beautiful lakes in Muskoka and as residents, it's our responsibility to help protect the natural beauty for future generations. 


The Muskoka Watershed Council is a volunteer organization supported by the District and the Muskoka community. The Muskoka Watershed Council is not a regulatory or enforcement agency. Instead, it provides information to decision-makers, managers and the general public on ways to protect and restore the resources of our watersheds. 

VISIT the Muskoka Waterweb to learn more about Peninsula Lake & Specific Lake Data

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