Welcome to the Lake |
In 2001, the Peninsula Lake Association initiated the development of the Peninsula Lake Plan with the goal of preserving and enhancing the future of the lake and watershed. The original Lake Plan stakeholders strongly believed that the health of the lake is vested in those who use and have an interest in its future. With this in mind, they designed and implemented a community-based approach to identify and obtain ecosystem health goals and objectives.
Over the past 100 years there have been many changes on Peninsula Lake. People have been attracted to this area by its recreational opportunities, natural environment and social values. Once a pristine environment, untouched by human intervention, the lake is now ringed with residential and commercial development, and the very reason why people want to be on the lake could be in jeopardy.
The Peninsula Lake Plan is an action oriented community document that blends land use planning and stewardship to provide a comprehensive approach to protecting the quality of life on and around the lake. The Plan is intended to be a living document that will be reviewed and updated as new information and issues are identified and it was developed with the guidance of the Peninsula Lake Working Group, the resort operators, the Township of Lake of Bays and the Town of Huntsville.
We, the members of the Peninsula Lake community, share the following vision for the future of the lake. We wish to ensure that current and future generations will enjoy:
Pristine water quality
Beautiful natural vistas, landscapes and shorelines
A diverse and sustainable natural heritage of plants, fish and wildlife
Economic development, property development and commercial operations that provide employment, social and recreational opportunities, and access to the lake while respecting the natural, social and historical character of the lake
A tranquil ambience that nourishes and recreates the spirits of community residents and lake users
Social and recreational activities and facilities that promote a spirit of community and neighbourliness
Historic and cultural features, including neighbourhoods, areas and buildings
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