Peninsula Lake

Welcome to the Lake

Eco Partner & Resources

1      Federation of Ontario Cottagers’ Associations


2.      Muskoka Watershed Council

3.      Muskoka Conservancy

4.      Kingston 350


5.      Environment Haliburton


6.      Georgian Bay Biosphere Reserve


7.      Climate Action Muskoka


8. Ontario Lake Partner Program:

9.      The Land Between


10.      The Magic School Bus – Gets Swamped

Groups and Organizations


1.      Friends of the Muskoka Watershed


2.      Watershed Canada


3.      U-Links Centre for Community Based Research


4.      Haliburton Highlands Land Trust


5.      The Land Between


6.      Ontario Master Naturalist Program


7.      Environment Haliburton!


8.      Coalition of Haliburton Property Owners Associations


9.  Federation of Ontario Cottagers’ Associations


10.      Georgian Bay Biosphere Reserve


11.  Dorset Environmental Science Centre


12.  Muskoka Lakes Association


13.  Zgyoptera Consulting


14.  Climate Action Muskoka


Scientific Papers / Peer Reviewed Articles

  • Arnott, S.E., M. P. Celis-Salgado, R.E. Valleau, A.M. DeSellas, A.M. Paterson, N.D. Yan, J.P. Smol and J.A. Rusak. 2020. Road salt impacts freshwater zooplankton at concentrations below current water quality guidelines. Env. Sci. Technol. In press.


  • Broadmeadow S, Nisbet TR. 2004. The effects of riparian forest management on the freshwater environment: a literature review of best management practice. Hydrol Earth Syst Sci. 8:286–305.


  • Brown, A.H. and N.D Yan. 2018. Food quantity affects the sensitivity of Daphnia to road salt. Env. Sci. Technol. 49: 4673-4680


  • Byun, E., Finkelstein, S.A., Cowling, S.A. et al. 2018 Potential carbon loss associated with post-settlement wetland conversion in southern Ontario, Canada. Carbon Balance Manage 13, 6.


  • Chen, Y., Todd, A.S., Margaret H. Murphy, M.H., and Gregg Lomnicky. 2016. Anticipated Water Quality Changes in Response to Climate Change and Potential Consequences for Inland Fishes, Fisheries, 41:7, 413-416, DOI: 10.1080/03632415.2016.1182509


  • Chu, C., Mandrak, N.E. and Minns, C.K. 2005. Potential impacts of climate change on the distributions of several common and rare freshwater fishes in Canada. Diversity and Distributions, 11: 299-310.


  • Civitello, D.J., Hite, J.L. and Hall, S.R. 2014. Potassium enrichment stimulates the growth and reproduction of a clone of Daphnia dentifera . Oecologia 175, 773–780.



  • DFO (Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada). 2013. Survey of recreational fishing in Canada 2010. Government of Canada, Ottawa.


  • Dosskey M.G., Vidon P., Gurwick N.P., Allan C.J., Duval T.P., Lowrance R. 2010. The role of riparian vegetation in protecting and improving chemical water quality in streams. J Am Water Resour Assoc. 46:261–277.


  • Poesch, M.S., Chavarie, L., Chu, C., Pandit, S.N., and Tonn , W. 2016. Climate Change Impacts on Freshwater Fishes: A Canadian Perspective, Fisheries, 41:7, 385-391, DOI: 10.1080/03632415.2016.1180285


  • Reid, A.J., A.K. Carlson, I. F. Creed, E.J. Eliason, P.A. Gell, P.T.J. Johnson, K.A. Kidd, T.J. MacCormack, J.D. Olden, S.J. Ormerod, J.P. Smol, W.W. Taylor, K. Tockner, J.C. Vermaire, D. Dudgeon and S.J. Cooke. 2019. Emerging threats and persistent conservation challenges for freshwater biodiversity. Biol. Rev. 94: 849-873.


  • Howells., G.D., Brown, D.J.A and Sadler. K. 1983. Effects of acidity, calcium and aluminium on fish survival and productivity – a review. Journal of science of food and agriculture. Vol. 36: 559-570.


  • Mitchell C. Owens, Clayton J. Williams and James M. Haynes. 2021. Effects of forested buffers on benthic macroinvertebrate indicators of water quality in the Western Finger Lakes, New York, Inland Waters, 11:1, 78-88, DOI: 10.1080/20442041.2020.1804786.


  • Pant, H.K. 2020. Estimation of Internal Loading of Phosphorus in Freshwater Wetlands. Curr Pollution Rep 6, 28–35.


  • Paterson, A.M., P.J. Dillon, N.J. Hutchinson, M.N. Futter, B.J. Clark, R.B. Mills, R.A. Reid and W.A. Scheider. 2006. A review of the components, coefficients, and technical assumptions Ontario’s Lakeshore Capacity Model. Lake and Reserv. Manage. Vol. 22(1):7-18.



  • Schindler, D. E. and Scheuerell, M. D. 2002. Habitat coupling in lake ecosystems. Oikos 98: 177–189.


  • Schindler, D.W., Curtis, P.J., Parker, B.R., and Stainton, M.P. 1996. Consequences of climate warming and lake acidification for UVB penetration in North American boreal lakes. Nature (London), 379: 705–706.


  • Sweeney, B. W. and J. Denis Newbold., J.D. 2014. Streamside Forest Buffer Width Needed to Protect Stream Water Quality, Habitat, and Organisms: A Literature Review. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 50(3): 560-584. DOI: 10.1111/jawr.12203.


  • Thomas, K.E., Kluke, A, Hall, R.I., Paterson, A.M., Winter, J.G. 2011. Assessment of benthic algal biomonitoring protocolsto evaluate effects of shoreline development on the near shore zone of Precambrian Shield lakes in Ontario. Lake Reserv Manage. 27:398–413.


  • Yan., N. 2020. The road salt threat to Muskoka lakes: answering 10 key environmental questions. Friends of the Muskoka Watershed (FMW2020-09AR).


  • Yan, N.D., Keller, W., Scully, N.M., Lean, D.R.S., and Dillon, P. 1996. Increased UV-B penetration in a lake owing to drought induced acidification. Nature (London), 381: 141–143.


  • Vinebrooke, R. D., Dixit, S.S., Graham, M. D., Gunn, J.M., Chen Y. W., and Belzile, N. 2002. Whole-lake algal responses to a century of acidic industrial deposition on the Canadian Shield. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences59(3): 483 493.


Books and Other Resources


  • Kimmerer, R. W. (2015). Braiding sweetgrass. Milkweed Editions.


  • Stokes, John and Kanawahienton. 1993. Thanksgiving Address: Greetings to the Natural World. Six Nations Indian Museum and the Tracking Project.


  • Guide to Eating Ontario Fish:


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