Peninsula Lake |
Welcome to the Lake |
We hope you enjoy going down memory lane. We tried to categorize by major subject matter and acknowledge where the photos came from, where possible.
You will note that the quality in some photos is not the best and that is because many were scanned from old originals that had marks or scratches on them. We have tried to enhance those as best as possible. Also, you will realize that these photos are only representative of the photos and information that were sent to us. If you think you would like to do something for your family, then please provide the photos and captions and even a story about your family &/or cottage, so that we can add more. This is a start and hopefully our database of material will continue to grow as we get more photos and stories.
These photos and captions were obtained and compiled by Janet Matthews and if there are any errors, if you would like to get a photo, or if you have photos to add for your family, please contact Janet at
Thanks to those who have contributed photos.
Janet Matthews, Co-Chair,
Historical Committee
Steamship on Penlake: The canal between Fairy and Peninsula lake was completed in 1888, and water transport was provided by private steamers. | CRUICKSHANK AND MCMILLIN FAMILY |
F.W. Moffat and Family | Town of Huntsville | Hutchinson Family My grandfather, Thomas Taylor, built our cottage in 1919 at 1014 Fisher's Point Road. |
The John King (J.K.) Moffat Cottage. Four of the original Moffat cottages remain standing as of 2015, although in 1926 the original Corralyn cottage was moved six cottages west, along the Springsyde shore. | McCready’s and the Golf Course My grandfather, Dr. James Homer McCready (he went by Homer) and his wife Jean Brown McCready had the cottage built in 1921 by a local farmer, Hector Ennest. |
PenLake Regatta 1940-50s - grease pole competition at Regatta. Pole was greased and one had to try to go to the end without falling off. | The Portage Flyer, the smallest commercially operated railway in the world, ran on narrow-gauge rails laid between South Portage on Lake of Bays and North Portage on Peninsula Lake. | Portage Lodge (later Portage Inn) and North Portage Hotel and Train – Original Buildings at North Portage. |
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